The New Potsdam Agreement blog – eliminate the beast of Germanizm!
Αναρτήθηκε από τον/την olympiada στο Απριλίου 25, 2013
One of the German goals is to establish a “limited-Democracy” and “limited-Freedom” regime, in line with the traditional mentality of German regime which brought bloodshed all over the world in the 20th century. The “Federalization” of Europe reflects this.
Germany is again acting as a tool of unholly interests to launch the acid of Germanizm and burn democracy, freedoms, human dignity and (MOST OF ALL) the Memoryof its previous crimes.
Germans failed in governing themselves. They were againused for terror and destruction.
Germany did not fulfill its obligations to the civilized international community, according to the Potsdam Agreement.
Wolfgang Schauble (the current Economics Minister) was one of the leading factors pressing (to the point of blackmail) in 1990, as Interior Minister, for German unification and complete German control on Germany. That Germany however was not de-Nazified, was not de-barbarized and did not have the democratic and civilized foundations that the Potsdam Agreement was supposed to establish, through the “Allied Control Council“.
There is now an urgent need to re-activate a modifiedAllied Control Council on Germany and remove the governance of Germany from Germans.
The new victims of Germanism (Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, etc) should form the nucleus of a new “Allied-victims Control Council” starting a BlitzGreek on German neoNazism and political militarism to eliminate it completely.
Germany has not paid hundreds of billions of euros as compensation to Greece for the 1940 atrocities and the mandatory “loan” which ripped-off all money from occupied Greece. This was a condition of the Potsdam Agreementthat was not fulfilled. Wolfgang Schauble has personal responsibility for this. German industrial and economic growth was possible because of the stolen Greek money (hundreds of billions of euros) that was never paid back and not because of the hard work of Germans. Greeks and thousands other immigrants fled to Germany for work, because Germany had money: their money, the money that should be making Greece grow, Greek Universities, industry, farming, etc and not pay Greek slave workers in Germany with their stolen money. There is no “German miracle”, only German exploitation with its victims’ money and the active assistance of the United States. This also made the US legally and financially accountable towards Greece.
The US vouched against its ally, Greece, for Nazi Germany. The US part in the Nazi debt scandal may reach 1.5 trillion dollars: the amount it blackmailed Greece to erase from Nazi Germany’s total debt. It wanted the (still Nazi) Germany aligned to US policy and sold out Greece to satisfy German demands. Greece was destroyed from Nazi occupation and could not raise a voice.
This blog will give all background information and proposals on how to stop the acid of Germanizm from burning the world again. It includes proposals on how the German regime will pay the financial compensations to Greece and how to launch an activist campaign for removing German governance from German hands. As extreme as this might seem, it is the only effective and viable way to correct the current international political and economic status. Besides, the German-orchestated attack against Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, Italy, etc. is much more extreme. Since it pushed the limits of extremism so much, into unthinkable situations, it is perfectly ethical, balanced and correct to do these on Germany. When the Germanizm beast was tolerated, it created the terror of World Wars. We should learn from History and stop it today. There is no other viable way to eliminate the beast of Germanizm.
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